'', 'tips' => '', 'class' => 'coupon', 'id' => '', 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'target' => '_blank', 'label' => __('Coupon Code', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), 'expired' => '', 'start' => '', 'hidden' => '0', //1 - Hidden after expiration ), $atts ) ); if (preg_match("/^\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}$/", $start)) { list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $start); if ( mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year) > time() ) { return ""; } } if ($hidden) { if (preg_match("/^\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}$/", $expired)) { list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $expired); if ( mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $day, $year) < time() ) { return ""; } } } $coupon = $content; $html = ''; if ($coupon) { //$html = wpus_coupon_get_html($coupon, $url, $tips, $class, $id, $target, $title); $html = wpus_coupon_get_html($coupon, $url, $tips, $class, $id, $title, $description, $target, $label, $expired); } return $html; } } if (!function_exists('wpus_coupon_get_html')) { function wpus_coupon_get_html($coupon, $url='', $tips='', $class='', $id='', $title='', $description='', $target='_blank', $label='', $expired='') { global $wpus_coupon_add_js; static $count = 0; $count++; $wpus_coupon_add_js = true; $label_arr = array ( __('Coupon Code', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('Discount Coupon', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('Discount Code', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('Promo Code', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('Coupon', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('Promotion Code', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('Voucher Code', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('Promotional Code', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('Voucher', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('Discount Voucher', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN) ); $html = "
"; if ($title) { $html .= "


"; } $html .= "
"; //$html .= "
"; $html .= "
" . $label_arr[(($count-1)%count($label_arr))] . ":
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$html .= "
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$html .= "
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$description"; } $html .= "
"; } $html .= "
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if ($count == 6) { $html .= ''; } return $html; } } if (!function_exists('wpus_deal_shortcode')) { function wpus_deal_shortcode($atts, $content=null, $code="") { // $atts ::= array of attributes // $content ::= text within enclosing form of shortcode element // $code ::= the shortcode found, when == callback name // examples: [wpusgames id=1 type='mochi' style='auto'] global $wpdb; extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'url' => '', 'id' => '', 'title' => '', 'target' => '_blank', 'label' => __('Sale: ', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), 'expired' => '', ), $atts ) ); $deal = $content; $html = ''; if ($deal) { //$html = wpus_coupon_get_html($coupon, $url, $tips, $class, $id, $target, $title); $html = '
'. wpus_deal_get_html($deal, $url, $id, $title, $target, $label) .'
'; } return $html; } } if (!function_exists('wpus_deal_get_html')) { function wpus_deal_get_html($deal, $url='', $id='', $title='', $target='_blank', $label='', $expired='') { static $count = 0; $count++; $url = wpus_url_redirect($url); if ($title) { $html = ""; } $html .= "
"; if ($deal) { if ($expired) { $deal = "$deal
" . __('End Date: ', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN) . wpus_coupon_date_format($expired) .""; } $html .= "
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EOF; } } if (!function_exists('wpus_coupon_date_format')) { function wpus_coupon_date_format($date) { $month_txt = array ( __('January', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('February', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('March', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('April', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('May', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('June', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('July', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('August', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('September', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('October', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('November', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), __('December', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN) ); if (!isset($date) || strlen(trim($date)) == 0 || strtolower(trim($date)) =='unk' || strtolower(trim($date)) =='unknown') { return __('unknown', WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN); } if (preg_match("/^\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}$/", $date)) { list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $date); $month = $month - 1; $day = $day + 0; return sprintf( __('%2$s %1$s, %3$s',WPUS_COUPON_CODE_TXTDOMAIN), $day, $month_txt[$month], $year ); } return $date; } } ?>